Clinical Research
Our research in reproductive medicine consists of analyzing large datasets obtained from the clinic or conducting clinical trials in order to better understand the impact of patient lifestyle, medical history, infertility diagnosis and specific medical interventions on the outcome and success of assisted reproduction treatments (for example IVF success). We believe this can improve how we deliver personalized evidence-based reproductive care for our patients.

Randomized Clinical Trial: Dual Trigger Study
When patients begin an IVF cycle, they go through a period of injections to help stimulate the ovaries to produce eggs. On the day before the egg retrieval procedure, a “trigger shot” is provided to help complete the maturation process in the ovaries. The “trigger shot” can be given as a single medication, or a “dual trigger”, which combines two medications. Both are used in our clinic (and all over the world) on a daily basis and are safe with satisfactory outcome, and are both considered “standard of care”. However, there is no definitive information to date that tells us which works better. In other words, we are not sure if the addition of the second drug to the “dual trigger” is truly beneficial in the diverse IVF patient population. This is the question we are looking to answer; which “trigger shot” has a better outcome and for which patients. In this study, enrolled patients will be given either the “single” or “dual” trigger shot on trigger shot day, and we will watch the outcome of your IVF cycle. We aim to find out, at the end of our study, if one version of the trigger shot works better than the other, or are they equally as effective. We are looking to recruit 600 patients for this study.
Other publications
- AlKudmani B, Gat I, Buell D, Salman J, Zohni K, Librach CL, Sharma P. In Vitro Fertilization Success Rates after Surgically Treated Endometriosis and Effect of Time Interval between Surgery and In Vitro Fertilization. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2018 Jan;25(1):99-104.
- Hackmon R, Librach CL, Richard B, Rodriguez N, Farine D, Berger H. Do early fetal measurements and NT correlate with term birth-weight? Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Canada. 2017 Sep;39(9):750-756.
- Chaikof M, Gat I, Lazer T, Quach K, Al Kudmani B, Zohni K, Glass K, Sharma P, Baratz A, Librach CL. Lower complication rates with office based D and C under ultrasound guidance for missed abortions. Minerva Ginecologica. 2017 Feb; 69(1):23-28.
- Gat I, Mejia SB, Balakier H, Librach CL. The use of coenzyme Q10 and DHEA during IUI and IVF cycles in patients with decreased ovarian reserve. Gynecological Endocrinology. 2016 Jul;32(7):534-7
- Gat I, Shlush E, Quach K, Librach CL. The continuum of high ovarian response: a rational approach to the management of high responder patient subgroups. Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine. 2015;61(6):336-44
- Quach K, Grover S, Kenigsberg S, Librach CL. A combination of single nucleotide polymorphisms in the 3’untranslated region of HLA-G is associated with preeclampsia. Human Immunology. 2014 Oct 9;75(12):1163-70.
- Lazer T, Dar S, Shlush E, Al Kudmani B, Quach K, Sharma P, Baratz A, Glass K, Librach CL. Comparison of IVF outcomes between minimal stimulation and high-dose stimulation for patients with poor ovarian reserve. International Journal of Reproductive Medicine. 2014 Oct 2;2014:2-7
- Kimberley A Hill, Tova Nadler, Mandel R, Burlein-Hall, Librach CL, Glass K, Warner E. Experience of young women diagnosed with breast cancer who undergo fertility preservation consultation. Clinical Breast Cancer. 2012 Apr;12(2):127-3
- Gunby J, Bissonnette F, Librach CL, Cowan L. Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) in Canada: 2007 results from the Canadian ART Register. Fertility and Sterility. 2011 Feb;95(2):542-7.e1-10
- Librach CL. Exercise and fertility at a glance. In: The Pregnant Athlete Within. (Canada); 2014.
Research Areas
Latest publications
- Shani AK, Haham LM, Balakier H, Kuznyetsova I, Bashar S, Day EN, Librach CL. The developmental potential of mature oocytes derived from rescue in vitro maturation. Fertil Steril. 2023 May 29:S0015-0282(23)00539-3.
- Wyse B, Fuchs Weizman N, Montbriand J, Kharonsky R, Antes R, Abramov R, Madjunkova S, Librach CL. Personalization of IVF-ICSI workflow based on patient characteristics improves IVF laboratory outcomes and embryo ploidy by PGT-A. Journal of Ovarian Research. 2022 Dec 1;15(1):124.
- Russell SJ, Kwok YSS, Nguyen TTTN, Librach CL. Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma Improves Endometrial Thickness and Live Birth in Patients with Recurrent Implantation Failure and Thin Endometrium. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. 2022 Jun;39(6):1305-1312.
- Fuchs Weizman N, Baram S, Montbriand J, Librach CL. Planned oocyte cryopreservation (planned OC): systematic review and meta-analysis of cost-efficiency and patients’ perspective. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2021 May;128(6):950-962. Review.
- Bissonnette F, Masip JM, Kadoch IJ, Librach CL, Sampalis J, Yuzpe A. Individualized ovarian stimulation for in vitro fertilization: a multicenter, open label, exploratory study with a mixed protocol of follitropin delta and highly purified human menopausal gonadotropin. Fertil Steril. 2021 Apr;115(4):991-1000
- Dviri M, Madjunkova S, Koziarz A, Madjunkov M, Mashiach J, Nekolaichuk E, Trivodaliev K, Al-Asmar N, Moskovtsev S, Librach CL. Is there an association between paternal age and aneuploidy? Evidence from young donor oocyte-derived embryos: a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis. Human Reproduction Update. 2021 Apr;27(3):486-500.
- Madjunkov M, Dviri M, Librach CL. A Comprehensive Review of the Impact of COVID-19 on Human Reproductive Biology, Assisted Reproduction Care and Pregnancy: A Canadian perspective. Journal of Ovarian Research. 2020 Nov 27; 13(1):140.
- Dviri M, Madjunkova S, Koziarz A, Antes A, Abramov R, Mashiach J, Moskovtsev S, Kuznyetsova I, Librach CL. Is there a correlation between paternal age and aneuploidy rate? An analysis of 3,118 embryos derived from young egg donors. Fertil Steril. 2020 Aug;114(2):293-300.
- Arora R, Shapiro H, Liu K, Arthur R, Cruickshank B, Sharma P, Glass K, Baratz A, Librach CL, Greenblatt EM. Safety and assisted reproductive technology outcomes of hysteroscopic tubal microinserts versus laparoscopic proximal tubal occlusion or salpingectomy for hydrosalpinges treatment. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2020 Jun;42(6):779-786
- Fuchs Weizman N, Defer MK, Montbriand J, Pasquale JM, Silver A, Librach CL. Does Body Mass Index Impact Assisted Reproductive Technology Treatment Outcomes in Gestational Carriers? Reprod Biol Endrocrinol. 2020 May 2;18(1):35.